Is Janet Napolitano a Lesbian? Janet Napolitano Herself Says "Not A Gay"

Is Janet Napolitano a Lesbian? Janet Napolitano Herself Says "Not A Gay"!

Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano possible President-elect Barack Obama Homeland Security Secretary
Janet Napolitano, Obama's possible Homeland Security Secretary

Since the news saying she is being picked as President-elect Barack Obama's Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security broke out, the sexual orientation of Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano again become a hot topic among the online forums and blogs.

Questions such as "Is Janet Napolitano Gay?" or "Is Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano a lesbian?" were posted in Yahoo! Answers long long time ago! The answer to the first question by Yahoo! user Darth D'oh! said Napolitano "is a gay", simply "considering I've never heard that name, I'd have to say that, yes."

Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano accused by some as a lesbian
Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano was accused by some as a secret lesbian. (Image Source: Wikipedia)

Excerpts from VeepWatch read, "Napolitano has...a deep male-sounding voice, is...mannish looking and wears blocky masculine suits... Napolitano has made little secret of her gay partner, and that she lives in a second apartment downtown."

Trying to shed some lights on the issue, we scoured Janet Napolitano's Wikipedia page and found no entries about her marriage status or sexual orientation. Nevertheless, according to Phoenix News Time's article titled Reality Check, Napolitano was denied her homosexuality back in the 2002 gubernatorial race. When in response to the charge that she had some sort of radical gay-rights agenda, she announced,"I am not gay."

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