evangelina wooten tattoos

Tattoo Symbols: please help me

Incorporating your chosen design onto the base of your back is a device of giving emphasis to your femininity and highlighting your figure. Also, it reduces the appearance of your waist by making your hips appear smaller.

With so many tattoo symbols to choose from, you can become confused. It is therefore easier if you think of tattoo symbols as being broken into the following groups:

Nations. Does the coloring used in the flag of a specific nation appeal to you? Does a particular nation holds a special meaning for you? Maybe you are drawn to the language of a specific nation, or perhaps you love the contours of the letters used in that language? Maybe you could have a favorite quotation or saying translated into such language. Perhaps the practices of a specific nation call to you?

Emotions. Are you after your tattoo symbol to have a specific emotion? If you want to denote love, consider including a heart or flower into your design. Do you want to show anguish? If this is the case, incorporate a black rose or some angel wings. Perhaps you are content? Perhaps incorporate some sunbeams in your tattoo.

Your personality. Perhaps you enjoy particular pastimes that you adore? Maybe you could use them as ideas for your chosen tattoo symbols. Perhaps you play the saxophone? If you do, you might want to include some related symbols. Do you adore a particular song? Locate a copy of it and include it.

People. Do you want your design to show a partner or be comprised of part of how much they mean to you? Perhaps you incorporate their face, name or an example of their writing in your tattoo.

The Animal Kingdom. Are you an admirer of animals? Or does a particular member of the animal kingdom have a special symbolism to you? Lions represent force and valour. Eagles lay emphasis on supremacy and resilience. Dragons can signify good and evil. Butterflies are thought of as fragile and poised (and excellent for the curviness of your back), and serpents accentuate craftiness and the unknown.

The Zodiac. Are you infatuated with star signs? Perhaps you could incorporate parts of your astrological sign into your tattoo symbols. Perhaps you could join your star sign with the astrological sign of a loved one. Patterns of the zodiac make particularly beautiful designs, and ones that you might want to use to signify the curves of your waist. You may want to integrate an image of sun beams to emphasize strength and show life.

The Fantastical. Are there any images that you are attracted to? Do you find fairies fun? Some could be incorporated in your design to watch over you. The Grim Reaper is also popular to symbolize how fragile life is.

Flowers. Are there particular blooms that mean something important to you? Red roses illustrate love, bluebells lay emphasis on health and destiny; sunflowers denote happiness. The lotus is popular as it denotes the cycle of life.

In conclusion, you need to have a long hard brainstorming session about designs you are drawn to. Jot down your hobbies and what images you are drawn to. Try to recognize connected images and design your tattoo from there.


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