angelita conway tattoos

Sexy Lower Back Cheap Tattoo Supplies Ideas - That's What Makes You Hot!

It's hard for a lower back tattoo not to be sexy on a girl. Their placement makes it the perfect sexy tattoo, but there are some sexy tattoo designs that really get the juices flowing for the opposite sex.

If you're considering a back tattoo and don't want them to be too cutesy, there are designs out there for you that will really stand out when you want them to. Just be aware that lower back tattoos are visible whenever you bend over in most casual outfits so dress appropriately when you don't want to be the center of attention.

Symmetrical tattoo designs that branch from the spine out look really good on the lower back. If you're looking for some sexy symmetrical or spreading middle designs, these are some ideas for you:

•Vines spreading out with roses blooming from them look very sexy. Every rose has its thorn, right? A tattoo design like this is really enticing.  
•Any sort of symmetrical henna design starting at the lower spine and swirling out looks great. These are always sure to grab attention.  
•A fairy or butterfly wing design coming from the middle are really playful and sexy at the same time. What's better to feel like a goddess than to have wings that you can show off?  

A string of stars or hearts, or even a bar code make for some more sexy lower back tattoos for girls. It's really hard to go wrong with a symmetrical tattoo design on your lower back.

If maybe symmetry isn't your thing and you want to branch out from that other girls get, then a standalone design can also look fantastic on your lower back. If you're not going for symmetry you can also get a lower back tattoo closer to one of your hips. You are not tethered to getting a tattoo in the middle of your lower back! Here are some sexy tattoo ideas for your lower back:

•A flower is always sexy, no matter where it is. A flower right in the middle might put some off, but if you're more bold, this is definitely the way to go! A beautiful rose or orchid tattoo design really says something about how bold you are.  
•Chinese calligraphy makes for a great tattoo. Some may say it's an overdone, but having your name or a description of yourself tattooed on your lower back looks very sexy. Just be sure to make sure that what you think is getting tattooed onto your body is really what the tattooist says it is!  
• An intricate sun or moon design tattooed on your lower back is a little classy and it looks good. There are thousands of detailed solar tattoos out there and they look fabulous. Want to be the rising sun or moonlight in your special someone's life? These sexy designs can help it happen.

These are just a few ideas, there are millions of sexy lower back tattoo designs for girls out there, symmetrical, in the center, off to the right, or off to the left. There is a specific one out there for you. For more sexy lower back tattoo ideas and designs, please visit: Tattoo Ideas!

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