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Miley Cyrus Misses Being on 'Hannah Montana'

The 53rd Annual GRAMMY Awards - Arrivals Singer Miley Cyrus arrives at The 53rd Annual GRAMMY Awards held at Staples Center on February 13, 2011 in Los Angeles, California. (Getty Images)more pics » Miley Cyrus (Getty Images) While she may have moved on, Miley Cyrus says she still misses being on Hannah Montana.

The 18-year-old singer-and-actress -- who shot to fame playing the titular character in the Disney TV series from the age of 12 -- is looking forward to hosting Saturday Night Live tomorrow evening, but regrets the fact she no longer gets to portray the student and secret pop star on the hit show.

Asked if she misses Hannah Montana, she Jimmy Fallon: “Yeah. I miss doing that stuff you know. I love doing this and writing the skits and everything. I mean, I kinda want to beg to let them let me stay for a little while."

Miley also donned a fake mustache during her appearance on the talk show after revealing she is obsessed with facial hair.

She admitted: “I have a diamond mustache with me at all times. I collect all kind of things with mustaches -- pins and mugs and people.”

While Miley misses Hannah Montana, her father Billy Ray Cyrus -- who also appeared in the show -- recently claimed it had ruined his family. The country singer -- who is in the process of divorcing wife Tish -- said: "The damn show destroyed my family. I hate to say it, but I'd take it back in a second."

See more Miley Cyrus pictures (click any photo):
  • Miley Cyrus in The 53rd Annual GRAMMY Awards - Arrivals
  • Miley Cyrus in The 53rd Annual GRAMMY Awards - Arrivals
  • Miley Cyrus in The 53rd Annual GRAMMY Awards - Arrivals
  • Miley Cyrus in The 53rd Annual GRAMMY Awards - Arrivals
  • Miley Cyrus in The 53rd Annual GRAMMY Awards - Arrivals
  • Miley Cyrus in The 53rd Annual GRAMMY Awards - Arrivals
  • Miley Cyrus in The 53rd Annual GRAMMY Awards - Arrivals
  • Miley Cyrus in The 53rd Annual GRAMMY Awards - Arrivals

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