“Where can I find tattoo ideas?” I’m certain this question has been bugging your mind over and over, especially when there are stacks of uninspiring tattoo designs littering the cyberspace.
Many people have given up searching for that perfect tattoo because of this problem. The thought of plodding through heaps of cookie-cutter tattoo galleries is enough to make them feel nauseous!
I felt the same way as well until I came across a really simple online portal tactic that enables me to truly enjoy the thrill of hunting for tattoo prints online. Before I reveal this cool tactic, let me ask you this question first.
Why is it that every time you go looking for tattoo ideas on the net, you end up finding thousands blurry, highly-generic, low-standard tattoo prints?
Want to know what the answer is?
Two words: Search engines.
Listen, I’m certain that if you stop looking for tattoo designs thru search energies, you would no longer ask that classic “where can I find tattoo ideas?” question. You really can’t depend on the search engines to help you find tattoo ideas.
Their search results are totally screwed as you will often be furnished with links to cookie-cutter tattoo galleries. These are the galleries that you want to avoid at all cost because the prints they have in their databases are blurry and were not hand-crafted by pro tattoo illustrators.
Okay enough jabbering. You want to learn an online portal trick that shows you where those original tattoo sites are situated?
Here you go!
Rather than use search engines to find tattoo ideas, I use specific niche platforms like tattoo message boards. Try to locate a reputable tattoo message board because it’s often moderated by tattoo experts.
In fact, one tattoo board that I always frequent is run by a team of seasoned tattoo artists. What makes a tattoo board so valuable is that the members often contribute links to first-rate tattoo galleries!
Seriously, you’re going to have a hard time finding spammy links to generic sites. Those who provide links to cookie-cutter galleries will get their links discarded and risk getting their accounts banned as well.
So unlike the search engines, discussion boards supply you with links that are 100% filtered so you can head directly to the best galleries out there. It doesnt get any easier than this!
Now, just visit the tattoo board’s archive section and check out the links that other tattoo enthusiasts are sharing there. You’re bound to find some really awesome tattoo galleries and pretty soon, you’ll forget ever asking yourself “where can I find tattoo ideas?”
Yes, you should quit asking that </b> <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link']);" href="http://www.awesometattoocreations.info/"> where can I find tattoo ideas question</a></b> because currently there are 2 online tattoo galleries that provide a large amount of professionally drawn tattoo designs.