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Report: Kate Hudson and Matt Bellamy Buy a London Home

Matthew+Bellamy in ELLE's 17th Annual Women In Hollywood Tribute - Inside
Actress Kate Hudson (L) and musician Matthew Bellamy attend ELLE's 17th Annual Women in Hollywood Tribute at The Four Seasons Hotel on October 18, 2010 in Beverly Hills, California. (Getty Images)more pics »Kate Hudson is putting down some roots with beau Matt Bellamy! The couple, who are expecting their first child together later this year, reportedly just plunked down about $ 6 million on a home in North London.

Kate Hudson and Matt Bellamy (Photo Agency)
An insider explained: "Kate is ready to put down roots in the UK. She is in the process of filling out visa forms that will enable her to live in England with Matt for at least six months of the year. Kate looks at the UK as a great place to raise a family. She sees herself living and working from London for the long haul."

The pair are hoping to move into the property, which comes complete with a nursery, games room and guest rooms, as soon as renovations are complete, and are also looking at holiday homes in Cornwall near the 32-year-old rocker's parents' house in Devon, South West England.

Matt and Kate - who also has a seven-year-old son Ryder with ex-husband Chris Robinson - are said to be so ecstatic about their new home that they have already taken Kate's Hollywood legend mother Goldie Hawn and stepdad Kurt Russell to look around the area.

The source added to Britain's Mail on Sunday newspaper: "Matt and Kate have shown Goldie and Kurt around the area and Matt took them all to Devon to meet his parents. They also looked around Cornwall for a holiday home."

However, Kate recently admitted she was "unsure" about moving to the UK on a permanent basis. She said: "I'll obviously be spending a lot more time in London bit I'm not sure about moving - not yet! We'll probably split it 50/50 - I do love it here and surprisingly I do love the weather. It's so nice to have seasons."

See more Kate Hudson pics here:
  • Kate Hudson in ELLE's 17th Annual Women In Hollywood Tribute - Inside
  • Kate Hudson in ELLE's 17th Annual Women In Hollywood Tribute - Show
  • Kate Hudson in ELLE's 17th Annual Women In Hollywood Tribute - Inside
  • Kate Hudson in ELLE's 17th Annual Women In Hollywood Tribute - Red Carpet
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