debbie robbins tattoos

Cool Tattoo Designs For Men And Women

Have you ever wondered what the coolest tattoo designs are and how you can find them?  It is so common to see people in search of cool tattoos.  They search on Google and they post questions on Yahoo always looking for cool tattoos.  So what is a cool tattoo and what should you get tattooed on your body permanently?  Well you might not like the answer but what is cool is whatever you think is cool.  Keep reading and let me explain in more detail

What Is Being Cool

The firs thing that you have to really look at when you ask yourself the question what is a cool tattoo design is what is cool in the first place.  You see everyone descries what they think is cool in a different way.  For some people a cool tattoo might be a lower back female design.  For other a cool tattoo is a skull and crossbones.  For the computer geeks in the crowd cool might be some <html> code.  You see when you start to dive into this question is really opens up a Pandora’s Box of what is cool.

Let Me Tell You What Cool Is

Okay so, let me close Pandora’s box once and for all and just end this whole debate of cool tattoo designs.  What is cool is completely up to you and what you think.  It is a state of mind that comes from being self assured and confident.  Cool people are really no different than anyone else the only thing that sets them apart is their self confidence and the time and place.  If you take someone that was cool back in the 1970’s and transplanted them to current time they would no longer fit in or be cool.  So the best thing to do is be self assured and confident in who you are.  Revel in your uniqueness and difference.  You see after all that is really what tattoos are all about.  Tattoos are a incredible form of self expression and showing the world a small piece of your inner workings or inner thoughts.  If you are comfortable with who you are and what you think and like then you will end up getting a tattoo.  For the mere fact that you like it!

What Is Not Cool

What is not cool and this will translate into tattoo designs also is not being confident and constantly worrying about what other people think.  This will make you feel a lot of pressure and be in a since of panic.  If you are in this state it shows to everyone around you and you will in no way carry yourself in a cool manner.  So getting a tattoo design because it is a design someone told you was cool or your friends got the same thing will not make you cool.  Copying what your favorite celebrity does will not make you feel cool.  Instead spend some time doing some searching within you and find what is important to you and ways that you can express that through your tattoos.  Sure you run the risk of no one understanding your designs or what you were going for but who cares you did it for yourself and no one else.

With all of that said I know that unfortunately there are still a few out there reading this saying in their minds and to themselves, “okay I get that so what is cool”   and they might be wondering when is this guy just going to tell us what are the cool tattoo designs.  So since you can’t beat them all the time and I know some people will never listen here are some of the top cool tattoo designs for men and cool tattoo designs for women listed below.

Tattoo Designs For Men


Old School Tattoos

West Coast Style Tattoos

Japanese Tattoo Designs

Dragon Tattoos

<a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link']);" href="">RIP Tattoos</a> Or Rest In Peace memorial tattoos.

<a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link']);" href="">Pinup Girl Tattoos</a>

Tattoo Designs For Women



Sayings, Poems And Text

Italian writing

Foot Tattoos

<a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link']);" href="">Dove Tattoos</a>

So there is a list of some cool tattoo designs.  Feels like the article was sold out to the devil and I strongly believe the whole first part.  Hopefully you read it and took it to heart.  If you really want to get some tattoo design and you are not sure what to get then take some time.  Think about what you want the tattoo to represent and then find a ton of great designs that feature things you like.  It might be the colors or part of the design but print things you like.  Take all of those designs and ideas in to your tattoo artist and tell him or her what you are trying to represent and show the work you like and then let them do their job and design your tattoos.

The Tattoo Re-edit
The Tattoo Re-edit
More experience with photoshop and a revisit to an old favorite.

Little portrait thingy

The tattoo was the focus of a tutorial I was playing around with, found at:


I view it as a decent success


Pierres Tattoo
Pierres Tattoo
pierres new tattoo : ]
i think itss hawt : ]

Self Portrait. (camera remote in hand)

Tattoo artwork by Greg Warren.

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