Alrightey, sweep sweep to my dusty blog. Been dead for few weeks. DAMN! I actually forgot how to write a blog! This is gona be a lousy post. So here I am blogging bout gathering at CCC with bloggers.

Here's us. Awesome-est people. Doing the nuffnang pose.

The owner of this cafe, Johnson Tay. He's also a blogger at
Here he is. Captured while he's making our food.

Actually this event has passed for long time. Hope all the memories are still in my head. Can't really remember. Luckily i have pictures to help me with this.

So, back to the topic. This cafe is at Sunway Giza, right above The Beer Factory. It doesn't look like a cafe at the entrance because there's lotsa banners for HTC. I thought it was a handphone shop at first.

HTC HTC HTC HTC. No signs of CCC.

Further up.

Its actually a concept store from what i heard. Very modern interior cozy and comfy. Suitable for a simple Sunday brunch.


There are wide varieties of coffee and tea. I'm not much of a tea fan so i went for Peach Tea.
I can say its a very healthy cup of tea. A bit too bitter for my tongue. Of course i added a few packets of sugar. I wished they serve juices hmm.

Oh and here are the coffee they served. Not mine of course. Love their coffee art. Very attractive that I feel like framing it.


The highlight that day was the Spicy Seafood Carbonara. It is the best pasta I've ever tasted in my life. Until today, i can still smell and taste the taste of it. Been craving for CCC Spicy Seafood Carbonara since then. Most important, the portion is just nice. Most of the time i couldn't finish up my pasta because the portion is too large. The cheese makes us full very quickly, makes us feel bloated and nauseous. But this one is not. Makes me want more!!

This dish is decorated very well too. Yummeh~~
PRICE : RM14.90

Second best dish is the Chicken and Mushroom Pie. Very NICE! Don't know how to explain the tastyness. The scent of it sip through my nose till my lungs. Yummeh!!
PRICE : RM5.90

Vegetarian Frittata. Third best food.
Price : RM4.90

So freaking cheap right. Even my uni simple ajinomoto fried rice cost me RM4.90.

Nachos. Didn't try this. But it looks crispy!
Price : RM9.90

Chicken Marinated Carbonara with herbs.
Didn't try this but i guess it is equally as nice as Seafood Carbonara.

Here's the complimentary dish. We love free food.
Pumpkin & Capsicum soup and Carrot soup. Can't really tell the difference between the two. Served with homemade toast. I'm not really into carrot, pumpkin and capsicum so, i took only a few sip of these soup. But others loved it!
Each cost RM8.90.

Pictures with lovely bloggers. Snap snap snap. The title of this post is supposed to be meeting up with Erika Toh. But she came in only after we were done with our food.
Yay, i'm not so short after all. But i'm fat.
Oh oh, and she came late because her hairdresser was doing her hair for like 3 hours.
At the Curve. So, don't go there for hair do. Her hair is that short. Imagine with my length of hair and i go there for hair do. OMG. I dont wana imagine. O.o

Mel : Eh come come we camwhore using other people's cam.

This picture is taken using wide angle lens, belongs to Henry. Makes me look tall!!
Makes the other girls looked even taller!

Another tall picture of us. Meh~

From another point of view. Jayren's view.

Henry's ehem.
She's such a sweet shy girl. I asked her whether she has any relation with Henry.
She said "I'll leave your answer for Henry to answer that." with a most shy smile.

Mel and her friend.
Woots! Sexy mel.

Kianfai dai gor and tony another tai gor.
FYI, i was sitting on a chair also. DAMN! I'm tall.

This is damn funny. We wanted to take a picture of Tony biting the leaf.
But can you see Kianfai trying not to get in the picture. SO CUTE MAN!!
But he's still in it. HAHAHAHA!

Jiayeen and YuhJiun.
I fetched YuhJiun and for ALLLLLLLLLLLLL way she kept quiet.
And i don't know why i ran out of topics that day. It was a quiet journey.

This picture shows when it was taken clearly. CNY. So many months back.

US holding our bowl of complimentary carrot soup and pumpkin & capsicum soup.

Was playing the games in the phones. I was surprisingly good in that block game.

Picture with the Boss.
Lookin good!

One last picture of me.

Will be busy from now. Don't know when I'll be back to dust this dusty blog. Till then..

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